Take a Knee

About us


Take a Knee Inc. Provides mental health education and support to post-war veterans and their families. 


With transformative tools, we will help heroes all throughout TN hit the reset button on key relationships, and in doing so, reduce veteran statistics by 50% on the stains of: suicide, homicide, domestic violence, theft, homelessness, divorce, and depression.

Core Values:

GRIT- because it takes courage and strength of character to admit you need help and get it. 

The Logo:

In the military, when we are told to "take a knee," it means to take a brief and active rest. It is an opportunity to catch breath, hydrate, reload, take accountability, and be prepared to receive further instructions. We as an organization want our veterans and their support person to finally be able to take a knee.

Participants will learn about the labyrinth. 


Please share and like us on Facebook. We are the solution to a great problem in our communities and your small action can make a huge impact. Are you interested in donating money or time as well? Please contact us.


Please connect with us on LinkedIn.  We can share what you are doing an expand our respective networks togethers.